Vendor Opportunity Page


Experience the latest method of reaching brides.
Intimate. Exclusive. Effective.

Red Carpet Bridal Tours is a unique, innovative approach to bringing Brides and Vendors together. You could be an exclusive service provider or vendor at one of four elegant venues on the tour. You will meet brides who are relaxed, motivated, and excited to speak with you about their particular wedding planning needs. Brides will arrive in our cheauffered limousine to an experience that encourages hands-on interaction and learning in a fun and stylish way. Brides become inspired while your business stands out among actively shopping brides.

Compared to any other way of promoting your business, exhibitor space on a Red Carpet Bridal Tour is incredibly affordable, at only $99 per tour! Click on the links below for a full marketing kit.

Application is subject to approval to avoid duplication of vendor categories. Please Expect a Confirmation e-mail within 5 business days or contact us at: 410-549-5490 or